Maine Association for Search And Rescue
Foraging for Wild Mushrooms; Great food and the Risk of Poisoning
Saturday 5/20
Lower Jewel Hall
Greg Marley
This session will be an introduction to wild mushrooms and the potential for foraging focusing on a few common edible species in Maine forests.
Greg Marley has been collecting, studying, eating, growing and teaching mushrooms for over 45 years. He spreads his knowledge of mushrooms through walks, talks and classes held across the New England and beyond. Marley is the author the award-winning book Chanterelle Dreams, Amanita Nightmares; The Love Lore and Mystic of Mushrooms, (Chelsea Green, 2010). As a volunteer mushroom identification consultant to Poison Centers across New England, he provides expertise in mushroom poisoning cases. He is a frequent lecturer to college groups and a mushrooming foray faculty member. When not mushrooming, Marley works as a mental health clinician specializing in suicide prevention and traumatic grief.
207-319-4556 | mushroominmaine@gmail.com