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Suicide Prevention and Response in a Search and Rescue Role

Saturday 5/20


Main Lodge (Jewel Hall)


Greg Marley, LCSW


This session will address stigma and language related to suicide and explore trends in suicide in Maine in recent years. It will also explore recognition of warning signs and a brief tool for use in risk assessment. The final portion will address the SAR role in response after a suicide or traumatic loss.

Greg Marley has practiced in the field of community mental health in Maine for over 30 years, as a clinician, clinical supervisor, manager, trainer and consultant. Since 2007, he has developed and presented training and education supporting suicide prevention and management. Greg has presented across Maine and New England to a variety of audiences in suicide prevention, substance abuse prevention, mental health and other topics. As the Clinical Director and Director of Suicide prevention for NAMI Maine since 2013, he has provided training and consultation to schools, primary care practices, hospitals, and mental health programs supporting suicide prevention and intervention as well as support in the aftermath of a suicide loss. For almost 2 decades, Greg provides consultation, guidance, training and clinical support in the aftermath of suicides for schools, organizations, families and individuals. He has provided grief therapy, grief groups and consultation for losses across the lifespan.

207-319-4556 |

Suicide Prevention and Response in a Search and Rescue Role
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