Maine Association for Search And Rescue
2023 Conference Program
Conference logistics/information: WiFi Network: Wavus Guest Password: KIEVEWAVUS (no space, all caps) Radio: MASAR 1 Bryan Courtois (207) 284-3731 Eric Sawyer (207) 844-4713 For emergencies, announce on MASAR 1 & dial 911. There is a hard wired phone in the kitchen of Jewell Lodge. Wavus Camps, 88 Wavus Point Road, Jefferson.
Presenter bios are linked from the presenter's name in the chart below. If digital materials were provided, they too can be found by clicking on the presenter's name.
New learning management system for BASAR online. The 2023 MASAR conference marks the official transition to a new learning management system for the BASAR online course. The new system incorporates industry best practices and interactive content. The course is still $35 but MASAR certified units have a discount code which brings the course cost to $10. Links will be updated on the MASAR website and the new system can be accessed at: learn.mainesearchandrescue.org. Contact the BASAR course manager at: BASAR@mainesearchandrescue.org with questions.
Date | Time | Title | Location | Presenter |
Friday 5/19 | 09:00-18:00 | BASAR | Cabin 8C | Bryan Courtois |
Friday 5/19 | 15:00-18:00 | Registration | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | |
Friday 5/19 | 18:00-19:00 | Dinner | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | |
Friday 5/19 | 19:00-20:00 | Hiking and craft beer | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | Carey Kish |
Saturday 5/20 | 07:00-08:00 | Breakfast, opening remarks, registration | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | |
Saturday 5/20 | 08:15-11:15 | Suicide Prevention and Response in a Search and Rescue Role | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | Greg Marley, LCSW |
Saturday 5/20 | 08:15-16:15 | Mental Health First Aid | Cabin 8D | |
Saturday 5/20 | 11:30-12:30 | NOAA Weather and lightning safety and NOAA Weather App | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | Donald Dumont |
Saturday 5/20 | 12:30-13:30 | Lunch | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | |
Saturday 5/20 | 13:45-15:00 | MWS Managing the search & overview of apps used | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | Sgt. Josh Bubier, MWS |
Saturday 5/20 | 15:15-16:15 | Foraging for Wild Mushrooms; Great food and the Risk of Poisoning | Lower Jewel Hall | Greg Marley |
Saturday 5/20 | 15:15-16:30 | Here if you need me - SAR Minister | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | Kate Braestrup |
Saturday 5/20 | 15:15-17:15 | Challenge Course session 1 | WAVUS Staff | |
Saturday 5/20 | 16:45-18:00 | GAIA GPS: Best Uses | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | Rick Papetti (PTSAR) |
Saturday 5/20 | 18:00-19:00 | Dinner | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | |
Saturday 5/20 | 19:00-20-:00 | Speaker: Friends of Baxter State Park | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | Aaron Megquier |
Sunday 5/21 | 07:00-08:00 | Breakfast | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | |
Sunday 5/21 | 08:15-09:00 | Map & Compass Refresher | Cabin 8D | Bryan Courtois |
Sunday 5/21 | 08:15-09:15 | Human Remains | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | Jocelyn “Josh” Stohl |
Sunday 5/21 | 08:15-11:15 | Outdoor Awareness and Natural Navigation Skills | Andrews Hall | Mike Douglas, Maine Primitive Skills School |
Sunday 5/21 | 08:15-12:45 | CPR | Lower Jewel Hall | |
Sunday 5/21 | 09:30-11:00 | Grid search practice and demo | Cabin 8D | Joe Bradley (PTSAR, STL) |
Sunday 5/21 | 09:30-12:30 | “It’s a process”... Searching for human remains in the natural environment | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) | Jocelyn “Josh” Stohl |
Sunday 5/21 | 12:30 | Lunch & closing remarks | Main Lodge (Jewel Hall) |